Do hormonal changes, digestive disturbances, or insomnia leave you feeling anxious or depressed?

Are you worried that aging makes you weaker, less attractive, and more easily ignored?

Would you roll your eyes if I said that midlife can be an amazingly powerful and sexy time in a woman’s life?

I have a lot of compassion for what midlife women go through!

First there are changes our appearance like wrinkles, grey hairs, and sometimes weight gain.

When we hit the early forties we may feel sad that our fertility is waning and the window for childbirth is closing. (For others that brings relief.) PMS and menstrual disorders often get worse.

Later in midlife, enormous hormonal changes of menopause become apparent, sometimes leading to symptoms of hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, increased anxiety, and depression.

When this coincides with big life changes like divorce, a death in the family, children leaving home, or job changes, the stress can be huge. Even those of us with a positive attitude about aging naturally are sorely tested.

This is when women need understanding and support.

Caring attention doesn't often happen for women in our society. We are led to believe that the symptoms and the stress are signs that we are 'over the hill’. Medications often have side effects that are worse than the original problem. It might seem that there is nothing to look forward to but a continued decline.

I've supported midlife women for decades and I've learned there are four key steps that transforms midlife from a painful series of losses to a miracle that uplifts your entire life. I've put this information into this course to help you to:

- Feel at peace with your body knowing that you are working together to reduce uncomfortable symptoms

- Enjoy a positive outlook as you age that allows you to step into your personal and professional power 

- Step into a new way of experiencing midlife where you feel  energetic, sexy, and exited about your life.

Through video messages I describe the four steps that every woman needs to know in order to create their best health and stand tall in their personal power.

A workbook provides journal questions for each step so that that you uncover new insights of your own.  

Scroll down to sign up and get started!

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • Anasuya's warm welcome to you!

    • Please read this before starting

    • The JumpStart Your Midlife Miracle Workbook

  • 2

    Step One - ReVision Your Midlife

    • Step One: Re-Vision Your Midlife Video

  • 3

    Step Two: Love Your Midlife Body

    • Step Two: Love Your Midlife Body Video

  • 4

    Step Three: Enjoy Yin Building Activities

    • Step Three: Enjoy Yin-Building Activities Video

  • 5

    Step Four: Create Your Midlife Manifesto

    • Step Four: Create Your Midlife Manifesto Video

  • 6

    Next Steps...

    • Congratulations on completing the course!

    • Please Take This Course Survey

    • Your Miraculous Midlife - one-on-one coaching with Anasuya

    • A complimentary Midlife Miracle Session - please apply

About Anasuya

Midlife Renewal Health Coach

Anasuya Basil

Anasuya Basil, NC, Dipl. ABT, CST helps women stop worrying about aging, love their bodies and feel energized about their lives. She has been in practice for 25 years and blends together science-based information with intuitive insights about our natural ability to heal. She attained board certification in Holistic Nutrition and Asian Bodywork Therapy, and certification in Craniosacral Therapy. She offers Midlife Renewal health coaching programs online, and sees local clients in her Chico, California office.

It's time to feel energized, well balanced, and proud of being a dynamic midlife woman!